The Hot Mess That Is Apple Photos
On July 6, 2015,
in Apple Problems, Doing It Wrong, Mac OS, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
Two Little, Persistent, and Annoying Flaws
On July 6, 2015,
in Apple Problems, Doing It Wrong, Mac OS, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
Thoughts on the Time Capsule
On February 22, 2011,
in Recommendations, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
No, really, JIRA pisses me off.
On April 18, 2010,
in Doing It Wrong, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
Shiny Object Development Syndrome
On April 12, 2010,
in Doing It Wrong, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
11/09/2002 Archived Entry: “You can turbo compliments, too.”
On January 11, 2009,
in Consumer Advocacy, From The Archives, Technology Horror Stories,
by Rob Levandowski
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